Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wafa Sultan vs. Al-Jazeera

Wafa Sultan vs. Al-Jazeera

Melihat klip video yg diperolehi dari seorang rakan tentang temuramah Al-Jazeera dengan Wafa Sultan, seorang Arab-American Psychologist benar-benar membuatkan aku terkejut tentang kebenciannya terhadap Islam dan hujah-hujah yang dibawanya. Mungkin ini kali pertama aku melihat seorang ahli akademik begitu keras mengkritik Islam dan umat Muslim kerana hujah-hujahnya datang dari pemikiran saintifik dan ilmiah.

Mungkin ramai yang bereaksi reaktif dengan mengarahkan beliau dibunuh dan sebagainya, namun mari kita melihat sedikit sebanyak yang kita boleh ambil dari pemikiran beliau. Dibawah adalah sedikit catatan ucapan beliau yang saya rasakan penting untuk kita umat Muslim mengambil pengajaran darinya, lebih-lebih lagi dalam era yang dikatakan “The Islamic Resurgence”

The jews have come from the tragedy (of the Holocaust)

and forced the world to respect them

with their knowledge not with their terror

with their work, not their crying and yelling

Humanity owes most of the discoveries and science of the 19th and 20th century to Jewish Scientist

15 million people, scattered throughout the world

united and won their right through work and knowledge

we have not seen a single Jew blow himself up in a German restaurant

we have not seen a single Jew destroy a church

we have not seen a single Jew protest by killing people

The Muslims have turned three Buddha statued into rubble

we have not seen a single Buddhist burn down a mosque

kill a Muslim or burn down an embassy

Only the Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down church

Killing people and destroying embassies

This path will not yield any results!

The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind before they demand that humankind respect them.